The Department of Justice is preparing to file an antitrust lawsuit against Ticketmaster parent company Live Nation to – 527 points –
Ticketmaster’s Taylor Swift ticketing fiasco might have just led to a lawsuit from the DOJ

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What's not whose name...?

... [Title]+[pic of nothing mentioned in such]== shit journalism.

The article and the article header both mention her. Either way, pretty dumb comments/takes there.

The title literally doesn't, and it's a shitty attention grab, nothing more. 🤌🏽

The title is extremely accurate to explain what is happening. It's not sensational, etc.

Man, I know you want to just complain about stuff but you're off in the weeds here.

Oh, sweetie. What you don't know speaks volumes with confidence.

Uh huh. Nothing you say makes any sense; assuming you're high or something.

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