US vetoes widely supported resolution backing full UN membership for Palestine to World – 629 points –
US vetoes widely supported resolution backing full UN membership for Palestine

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I mean yeah, there are minimum standards for entry. Maybe Palestine should get its shit together and stop choosing terrorism every chance it gets.

The proposal is for the West Bank government to be recognized in the UN as the State of Palestine, not Hamas. By conflating both you're regurgitating far right talking points meant to dehumanie Palestinians and deprive them of any tool to answer to literal crimes against humanity.

They should start demonstrating their commitment to humanity by condemning Hamas, condemning the October 7 attacks, and then by pursuing the war criminals in their own ranks for a while, instead of offering support and shelter.

Your comment reminded me of one of those times Trump's campaign manager, former attorney or something was charged with crimes, and then Trump pretended he didn't even know the person.

I am not strongly opposed the West Bank having UN membership but they have work to do. I could be convinced they're on their way. I haven't seen much evidence of that.

I wouldn't have gone so far as to say Israel should be unrecognized but you make some good points

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