HOAs suck

Track_Shovel@slrpnk.net to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 626 points –

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Does anybody have the link to the guy whose project car got booted on all four wheels, so he just put it on dollies, wheeled it into his garage, and told the boot company that they can have their boots back whenever they'd like but he's certainly not paying them anything?

Didn't a guy once park a tank in front of his house and told HOA if that don't like it they can move it.

Lmao, how/why did it get booted?

If I recall correctly, it was briefly parked on the street without an HOA parking pass while he reorganized his garage so that he'd have more space to work on it

The boot company ended up calling the cops on him for stealing their boots; "I didn't steal them, they can have them back whenever they want" was enough that the cops just laughed at the situation and fucked off

So, whatever happened to the guy?

Edit: full thread (via copy paste) here, including the final resolution to the story.

amazing thread lmfao

Yeah, it took a while to get through, but it was worth it to get to the end!