This year's 4/20 marks 1,187 days that Biden has refused to do what he promised in exchange for your votes: to politics – -53 points –

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Even the HHS secretary can’t just deschedule a drug on a whim. The HHS secretary has to present evidence that it shouldn’t be scheduled, and then the DEA has to get involved, and it requires input from the public and experts in the field.

The easier solution is for congress to amend the CSA. Putting the blame on Biden is disingenuous, especially given the fact that he’s trying to move things in the right direction.


You disagree with the link you just provided?

Because I'm pretty sure they know more about what a president can do than either of us...

Like. You know that's the Congressional Research Services you're arguing with, right?

“Appoint officials who favor…”

“Direct to consider…”

Where does it say they can deschedule it on a whim?

Where does it say they can deschedule it on a whim?


Decriminalization was literally a campaign promises he made four years ago...

A screenshot of his campaign website is what you're commenting on right now

How is that "on a whim"?