Do you struggle to keep your house tidy? to – 241 points –

I feel like my house is constantly a fucking mess. My wife and I work 80 hours between us and we have a 2 year old and I feel like it's constantly a mess.

We do what we can and often spend a couple hours on a weekend tidying but it's a losing battle.

How do you cope/keep on top of things?


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You just need to master one rule: designate a place for each item and put them IMMEDIATELY back in their designated place after use.

OP can master that rule today, won't make a damn bit of difference with a 2 year old around.

If your 2 year old has access to so much shit then you have bigger issues.

Yeah, it really helps if you limit the amount of stuff you have in your house and put everything back where it belongs right away.

If you then clean 1/1.5 hours a week you can keep everything relatively clean.

Also like one of the others comments said a robot vacuum can really help limit the dust in your house.

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