Are things just shittier or are we more aware of shittiness? to Ask – 230 points –

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My vote is more awareness. Things are definitely not good still you have no idea what we are missing, like a fish in a tank trying to picture the ocean.

That said things were fucking awful back in the day. Don't worry, this entire way of life is a giant bubble and we will regress to the old norm

Yeah I've had people complain to me about being "born in the wrong era" before and I just don't get it.

Me: What about the lack of modern medicine and death from easily preventable things? What about a crazy high risk of death in childbirth? You and I would be dead.

Me: What about being a second class citizen because you're a woman?

Me: What about society hating literally any ethnic minority or LGBT person to the point where those friends you have now wouldn't have been your friends back then? What about them being treated as second class citizens without any rights? What about these people literally being straight up murdered for just existing?

Me: What about periods of famine where people would literally starve to death?

Me: What about an even greater wealth divide than we have now?

Them: True, but it was still a lot better back then.

Me: ...

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