Zelenskyy thanks US after House passes aid bill

MicroWave@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 738 points –
Zelenskyy thanks US after House passes aid bill

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and other European leaders have applauded the US for passing a vital €89 billion aid bill which has been struggling to make it through the House of Representatives for months.

The House swiftly approved roughly €89 billion in foreign aid for Ukraine, Israel and other US allies in a rare Saturday session as Democrats and Republicans banded together after months of hard-right resistance over renewed American support for repelling Russia’s invasion.

With an overwhelming vote, €57 billion in aid for Ukraine passed in a matter of minutes, a strong showing as American lawmakers race to deliver a fresh round of US support to the war-torn ally. Many Democrats cheered on the House floor and waved blue-and-yellow flags of Ukraine.


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So what is it I lie about?
What is this leftist fetish of accusing people of lying, and not point out what they consider a lie (and I'm not even talking about proving the opponents wrong by providing some arguments, this clearly requires too much intelligence, right?)?..

Because it's just easier to down vote and move along. We're not being paid like you are. Plus, fascism is incredibly hard to stomach for normal people. You wouldn't understand.

Sure, everybody who disagrees with your opinion is getting paid

You're right, you could actually be a fascist and do it for free. Shrug Or you actually believe their propaganda, I guess... But if I were you I think I'd rather people believe I was being paid.

You’re right, you could actually be a fascist and do it for free

What a wonderful time we live in, expressing an opinion that murdering people is not OK is now considered fascist :)

Or you actually believe their propaganda

Again, you did not even specify what propaganda do I believe? Seriously, why is everybody here so incapable of having a discussion?
Ok I'll bite and play a guessing game with you.
Do you consider that "Zelenskyy is the one not negotiating while Russia has repeatedly said it is willing to negotiate" a propaganda?
If so, just let me know and I will give you sources for that, I just though that it is widely known?

The point is that it's a shit argument because you don't negociate with terrorists. If I come into your house and claim the kitchen as my own because it used to be mine 50 years ago, will you say "ok, fine, keep it, but promise me you won't take the bathroom or the living room later"?

If I come into your house and claim the kitchen as my own because it used to be mine 50 years ago

Do you really not see the irony? Not even the smallest bit? Holy shit...

You can't claim my kitchen because it was your 50 years ago, but Ukraine can claim Crimea because it used to be theirs 10 years ago?
So the period where you can claim something as your because it belonged to you some time ago is greater than 10 years but smaller than 50 years, is that right?
Okay I actually know the answer to that question - it's "whatever USA says it is" (rephrased to something like international agreements or UN stuff), sure.

Anyway, this is offtopic. Calling each other terrorists (yeah Russia does that as well) is as counter-productive as it gets, but let's discuss it anyway.
Definition (from wikipedia, not mine!):

Terrorism, in its broadest sense, is the use of intentional violence and fear to achieve political or ideological aims. The term is used in this regard primarily to refer to intentional violence during peacetime or in the context of war against non-combatants. There are various different definitions of terrorism, with no universal agreement about it.

Regime of zelensky uses violence (in the form of kidnapping people on the streets and sending them to the meat grinder) and fear (people fear to go outside because they can be kidnapped at any time, fear for themselves and for their family) to achieve political aims of conquering territories (you can read it as "reclaiming", does not matter).
So isn't it the west that shouldn't be negotiating with zelensky and instead sending military aid to Russia to deal with terrorists as soon as possible?

See? This is why nobody talks to you. Because you think Russia "owns" Crimea because they took it 10 years ago. Because you think Russia owns abkazia and south Ossetia because they took it in 2008. Chechnya in 2000 and Transnistria in 92.

You don't wanna admit it, because as I've said, you're either getting paid or you're too dumb to see it, but the common denominator is Russia here. They're the aggressors.

And let's not pretend that all the Russians that have suddenly showed up in western countries aren't running away from getting drafted. All the poor ones that couldn't are doing what? Living happily in Russia or are sent to the front? Ofc you'll say they're all happily serving. Except for all the ones that have surrendered and claimed they weren't even told they were going to war. But that's all Ukrainian propaganda, right?

Everything Russia does is fine and normal and everything Ukraine does is kidnap, kill, corruption, etc. Right? Makes perfect sense... When you're being paid by one side... Shrug I'm done... Hope you get whatever it is you deserve :) bb!

And let’s not pretend that all the Russians that have suddenly showed up in western countries aren’t running away from getting drafted

Thank you for proving my point! Yes, you are right, they are running away from getting draft.
Because they can! They have a choice! Ukrainians don't. Ukrainians are trapped in Ukraine and slowly getting butchered thanks to the support from your government.

Ahahahha.. running away from draft = they had a choice. No, if they had been given a choice they would've stayed home. Unlike all the Ukrainians that were forced to flee from the invaders. Because there's plenty of those as well. But I'm sure you'll have something to say about that as well.. russians in Europe= they have a choice. Ukrainians in Europe = what? Please tell me, I'm sure it's not "because they can! They have a choice!" Is it?

Also nice dodging of everything else I've said. It's great to see your conversation skills. You're almost as good as a 3 year old..." Noooo, why won't you people have a discussion?! Why?! Is it because I'm a vatnik?! What?! Noooo, I'm not, I'm trying to have a discussion but I only bring up lies and twisted bullshit that I've been paid to say and ignore everything else, noooo... "

Anyway, let's keep going, let's get you some more rubles. Or is it monero for you? xD Tell me more.

running away from draft = they had a choice. No, if they had been given a choice they would’ve stayed home.

They have SOME choice. Ukrainians have none.

Unlike all the Ukrainians that were forced to flee from the invaders.

They CANNOT (at least legally) flee from the invaders. They are locked in a west-sponsored prison called "Ukraine".

russians in Europe= they have a choice. Ukrainians in Europe = what?

Russians in Europe = they bought a ticket, boarded a plane and landed in Europe. As simple as that.
Ukrainians in Europe = they either

  • gave a HUGE bribe to get out (it's reported that right now it's about 25k dollars btw, this is the price of a life of a Ukrainians in case somebody was wondering), and got lucky that it actually worked, because often even giving a bribe doesn't get you out of this prison
  • managed to cross a border through a wild territory and did not get caught by "heroes" guarding it from either side (I've heard that thousands of people have died trying to do so, but I do not have a source for that)
  • happened to be on occupied territories (either because they stayed, or managed to convince authorities that they live there / have a family there / need to go there for some other reason), and simply went to Russia (you know, that monster machine that wants to kill and enslave all Ukrainians, as opposed to west that tries to save them) and then simply went wherever they wanted (some of my family successfully did that).
  • simply were already there before the war started (that's me)
  • belong to a category that is not (yet! there are more and more talks that everybody should be imprisoned, and just according to Russian propaganda they should "fight till that last Ukrainian") imprisoned, e.g. women, men under 18, those having 3 children or more, etc.

So - yes exactly, just like I said, people on the territories controlled by Russia have a choice, on territories controlled by Ukraine - they are imprisoned.

I only bring up lies

That is quite funny, because I'm constantly being accused of that, yet nobody even pointed out what exactly I lie about let alone disproving those lies.. Weird, don't you think?..

Also nice dodging of everything else I’ve said

What exactly would you like me to respond to? It's mostly Ad Hominem about me being stupid, or the usual western "you have different opinion than me so you must be a Russian bot / paid by Russia", I don't think it makes sense to respond to that.

Everything Russia does is fine

I've never said that, if that's what you want me to respond to.

Let me bring it up again then, because if you didn't ignore it before then you must've simply not noticed it. Russia took Crimea and that was fine because it was theirs to begin with or whatever right? Georgia Ossetia and Abkhazia ? Chechnya? Transnistria? All of these democratically elected to be "independent" or to be russian right? Definitely nothing going on there.

And well, I personally know plenty of Ukrainians that aren't hiding and they haven't been drafted yet. So I don't see why they'd need to resort to kidnappings to get people on the frontlines.Go on twitch and other streaming services and you can talk to them yourself. And not talking about the popular ones, there's people with 0-3 viewers, so you can't claim they're public figures and they're exceptions or whatever .

Russia took Crimea and that was fine because it was theirs to begin with or whatever right? Georgia Ossetia and Abkhazia ? Chechnya? Transnistria? All of these democratically elected to be “independent” or to be russian right? Definitely nothing going on there.

I am not saying either of those things are okay or not okay (as well as other countries annexing other countries' territories btw), because it depends on whether the people there wanted to part of Russia or not (and we cannot know this for sure, as different sides will claim differently).
As for the Crimea in particular though, I was there a few times while it still belonged to Ukraine, and the people I've met there were mostly extremely pro-Russian and some were openly saying they would like to be a part of Russia. But of course this is a hearsay, and you may have heard different things (which wouldn't mean that either one of us is wrong!), but as I said before I do not assert that this is okay or not okay, I am only saying that I find it quite possible that in case of Crimea it was indeed will of the people (which would make it okay).
The same applies to Donbas - while I have never been there, I've met people from there and some of them were pro-Ukrainian some of them were pro-Russian, I met more pro-Russian ones (but again, I agree that this is a hearsay).
As for the other annexed Ukrainian territories and the countries/regions you've mentioned - I have never spoken with people from those territories, so again I do not assert it was fine or not fine, as it depends on what people of those territories think - and I do now know that.

And well, I personally know plenty of Ukrainians that aren’t hiding and they haven’t been drafted yet

Everybody I know who hasn't managed to escape and is of the draft age and isn't a college student is trying to hide.

So I don’t see why they’d need to resort to kidnappings to get people on the frontlines.

And yet they do.
Because Zelensky's propaganda repeated by western media is saying that everybody wants to fight Russia and everybody volunteers, while the reality is completely different, and who could have thought - people want to live instead of dying for their politicians (which is what Zelensky with support from the west is doing). And speaking out this fact, that people want to live, and that it is not okay to kill them, makes people call me fascist here. To clarify - I am not saying there are no volunteers, I even have some distant relatives who have volunteered, but they are a minority, the regime needs to kidnap people from the streets in order to survive.

Go on twitch and other streaming services and you can talk to them yourself.

I have no need for that, it's only logical that not everybody has been kidnapped yet, they do it when they need more people for the meat grinder.
And as I said - for now not everybody needs to fear being kidnapped at any time, as they are not touching some groups of people currently. But they already lowered the age of acceptable kidnapping from 27 to 25, and some even say that kidnapping 18 year olds is only a matter of time (I've read stories about how they have already kidnapped a few kids, and even girls, it's just that for now they let them go when they discover their age/gender, but for how long? let me know if you want me to try to find those stories :) ). Some say that women should get the same treatment.

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