Why Microsoft is a national security threat

kinther@lemmy.world to Technology@lemmy.world – 463 points –
Why Microsoft is a national security threat

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The US at least has some degree of control over Microsoft. How much worse is that the EU is still not developing an own OS/distro?

  1. SUSE is an in germany founded company (now in Luxembourg)
  2. https://www.sovereigntechfund.de/
  3. Not having a government directly develop a "blessed OS" is probably for the better

I am not talking about a OS for the general public, but specifically for the administration.

And this will work much better with a unified attempt. If the EU would be taking OpenSuse for this, this would basically be the end of OpenSuses independence... I'd like it to be GNU/Linux based though.

There were grassroots movements like the Limux project (Munich using a custom Linux distribution). But that got shut down by Microsoft bribery (not confirmed, but MS did build a new headquarters in Munich...).

Yeah, that was a shame. But I really think we'd need a shared OS for all administration units of the EU (from EU level down to munipiality levels). Would be much easier as the private sector could also adjust to it.