Supreme Court waves off Kari Lake lawsuit over electronic voting to politics – 152 points –
Supreme Court waves off Kari Lake lawsuit over electronic voting | CNN Politics

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There was an entire lawsuit about how they were actually not easy to hack. Fox News lost it. But do provide your sources.

Everyones favorite source - "trust me, bro."

I wasn't meaning that you had no sources...I was referring to the asshat you replied to.

I did a poorly job of communicating stuff

If they aren't easy to hack then how are Repubs committing so much election fraud on ES&S machines?

These are the machines Kemp used to commit election fraud. The ones that "lost" the records. Georgia switched to Dominion in 2018 and suddenly 2020 is the first year it wasn't solid red.

Lindsey Graham committed election fraud in Georgia. Did he also commit fraud in his own state? How does such a lickspittle worm polling below his opponent end up winning 2020 with double the votes he had in 2014?

Also the machines in your linked article are ES&S machines, not Dominion machines. That is a completely different manufacturer than the one in the lawsuit I was referring to.

That was their implication: the ES&S machines were compromised supported by the fact that after switching to Dominion in 2018 the state was no longer solid red in 2020.

I cannot claim a deeper knowledge either way on this, only wanted to clarify that for you.

Its just confusing throwing a competitor in there. Like yeah, they make voting machines too, but that doesn't mean they're made the same or to the same quality.