Global defence budget jumps to record high of $2440bn to World – 140 points –
Global defence budget jumps to record high of $2440bn

The 6.8% increase between 2022 and 2023 was the steepest since 2009, pushing spending to the highest recorded by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (Sipri) in its 60-year history

For the first time, analysts at the thinktank recorded a rise in military outlay in all five geographical regions: Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Oceania and the Americas.


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Two Thousand Billion is not a number I’m capable of conceptualizing.

Is that not just 2.4 trillion?

Yup, it is. I can’t really conceptualize a thousand billions or a trillion, though. These are not numbers that translate to reality in any practical way for me.

3 more...
  • 16.67 Apollo Programs
  • 3,289.47 Hover Dams
  • 4.01 Interstate Highway Systems
  • 381 years of running the US space shuttle program
  • 325,333 human-days running experiments on ISS
  • 821,548,821,550 school lunches for students in the UK
  • 78.92 Three Gourges Dams
  • 84,311,344.93 2023 full loaded Nissan Leafs

Does that help?

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