Those with executive function issues and who take atomoxetine, did/do you go to therapy or do any meditation technique? Did/do you notice ED improvements with that combination? to – 13 points –

Just what the title says. I'm taking atomoxetine since 13 months, and this week will be my first psychological session. I've severe ED issues, to the point I can't do almost anything productive (including meditation itself), no matter how much I want to.


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You'll have to try it and see if it works for you. It hasn't been studied as much, but there is evidence some people find better success with a low dose of a stimulant (or sometimes welbutrin) along with the atomoxitine versus either one by itself.

I'm not allowed to take ADHD stimulants.

Depending on where you are in the world (i.e. Japan) some stimulants might be legal - Concerta seems to have the widest international availability.

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