Gen Z workers in China are picking 'gross outfits' over corporate glam because they don't get paid enough to look fly to World – 452 points –
Gen Z workers in China are picking 'gross outfits' over corporate glam because they don't get paid enough to look fly

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What a strange thing to do... Either a) you speak like an expert about something you clearly aren't familiar with (and likely didn't even live through personally), or b) you know exactly what you're talking about, yet you're doing some bizarre attempt to gaslight people into believing anti-communist, anti-China propaganda in the US. isn't something that has existed pretty much in the open since at least the Korean War. I guess the Red Scare didn't exist. I guess China had no involvement in the Korean or Vietnam wars. I guess China wasn't a massive factor throughout the entirety of the Cold War...

Both are weird, and unfortunately it seems more like the latter to me.

I guess good luck convincing other people?

I've never denied that there is anti China propaganda in the us. I challenged your bs claim that you were taught in school that people are sent to reeducation camps for petty things.

You just desperately need to reframe the debate because even you realize it's bs, but your ego is too fragile to admit that you were wrong or just exaggerating.

Although, it might predate me, if we are talking about pre-80s. But I assure you, the nonsense you claim was not part of my education post that time. It was more "China got much stronger once it adopted more capitalism. Isn't capitalism just fantastic!"

If this is your reaction any time a person makes a hyperbolic statement for emphasis on fucking lemmy, then you may need to re-evaluate your priorities.

All I did was ask you to show me where it happened. If you had immediately just said it was an exaggeration, that likely would have ended it. But instead you tried to argue that it did happen, but you couldn't show it.

But, sure, it's me who acted unreasonably and now needs to reevaluate my priorities. Lol

I'm not the one sealioning about easily provable things.

I asked a single question, one you answered by implying you can't prove it...and now I'm sealioning about something easily proven. I literally loled.

"You're a troll" is so often the harbor of a failing argument.