USDA updates rules for school meals that limit added sugars for the first time to – 411 points –
USDA updates rules for school meals that limit added sugars for the first time

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I remember in elementary school they replaced the ice cream with “low fat” ice cream which had more sugar…

Good old war on fat. I was born in '87, and I feel like it was drilled into our heads that far was the enemy. Always some lobby out there twisting facts.

A single easy enemy is great for food manufacturers because they can sell the same hyperpalletable, calorie dense, nutrient deficient foods to you and act like they are serving you a slice of something healthier. This moving goalpost makes for an easy distraction that keeps us from putting the blame on those food manufacturers and from looking to the produce section as an alternative. Very few companies want to actually take in all the research and serve us truly healthy food because it isn't as addictive and it isn't as cheap to manufacture. Customers do care about their health, but it's very easy to "healthwash" products, it's also very easy to "ethicswash" and "greenwash" products through good marketing.