US plans for Gaza aid pier branded ‘smokescreen’ to allow Israeli invasion of Rafah

lemme to World – 176 points –
US plans for Gaza aid pier branded ‘smokescreen’ to allow Israeli invasion of Rafah

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"More than 1 million Palestinians are now sheltering in Rafah. The IDF wants them to move out so that it can conduct an offensive against Hamas units in the city."

To where ?

They keep doing this. They herd them somewhere, start shooting and bombing, then herd the survivors somewhere else, telling them that's the safe place.

And, of course, they can always justify it by claiming that there were Hamas militants hiding in the crowds. Which... sounds like it makes them not an especially urgent target?

I mean if you decimate an entire country with multiple nukes' worth of explosives, any civilian population left is probably going to harbour a few resistance members

The IOF has built a camp for the concentration of civilians North of Rafah. I wonder if there's a name for such an unprecedented structure.

Problem. The IDF has been shooting Palestinians who try to move through their lines for months now. There's no confidence that the IDF will suddenly start letting them through.

Thats why they'll let everyone into this camp with no problem, because shooting people in tents is much easier than shooting them in houses or running down rubble-laden streets

That's a lot of people to shoot. Much more likely they'll just bomb the camp.