PSA: Nova Launcher is owned by an analytics company

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Since a few folks seem unaware of this, I'm posting anew for visibility.


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It's extremely easy to when neither has all the features that Nova does.

My nova install has been frozen at the last version before the analytics company took over was. Since then I try to check out lots of launchers but none have the features of Nova.

Maybe one day, but I'm not holding my breath anymore.

If you are rooted you can use afwall+ to deny internet access for nova

I use NetGuard and root is not necessary there. I never gave internet access to any launcher to this day.

Which version was that, and is it still possible to swap to it?

Edit: by the power of actually researching it instead of bothering someone else, I found it. They were bought by an analytics company in July of 2022, and the last full release version of the app before that on APK mirror was 7.0.57