If you suddenly had "fuck you" money what would be the first thing you did?

chrizbie@lemmy.nz to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 210 points –

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I would buy the best health insurance. Whatever the 1% are using. Super Platinum Cadillac Gold Insurance. I would get my loved ones the best medical care in the world. I could fly them private to see specialists, I could afford 5000$ a month experimental drugs, I could extend their lives and the qaulity of said life.

Seems like a really shitty “fuck you” if all you’re doing is giving insurance companies more money with no benefit whatsoever to your loved ones considering it would be cheaper to pay out of pocket at that point

Yes, you're right, it is probably more beneficial to society to pay out of pocket, but even wealthy people have insurance in this country for a reason. Having insurance gets you better care. I don't like this system anymore than you do, but I have to live in it.

Depending on how much money you had, why not go the golden visa route and move to a real first world country in the EU?

you'd still want a private insurance plan

If you had that kind of money would you even need health insurance? Just self-insure.

Health insurance gets you better care, and at that level looks radically diffrent from what us peasants use.