Blinken tells CNN the US has seen evidence of China attempting to influence upcoming US elections to politics – 306 points –
Blinken tells CNN the US has seen evidence of China attempting to influence upcoming US elections | CNN Politics

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They are priming the response when Biden loses, so they can blame someone else for their ineptitude and failure to govern.

Except if you're willfully being ignorant or arguing in bad faith, it's been known that Russia and China have been meddling in elections.

Not as much as the RNC and DNC interferes in our elections

Lmao, I only see one side actively engaging in coup like behavior. Care to explain your idiotic stance, or will you do us all the favor and not reply?

Jan 6 is a dog and pony show for liberals to keep them rallied up. Absolutely nothing will come of it other than charging the low hanging fruit. It's the liberal version of 'lock her up,' red meat for the rabid dogs.

You're equating apples and oranges, and the fact that there was an attempt to overthrow the government is a nothingburger to you. it just makes it clear not to take you seriously. You're a joke like your opinions and your sad pathetic existence.

The DOJ doesn't see it as an attempt to overthrow the government either. Nearly four years later and they still have no charges against trump.

So then, what was J6 to you if it wasn't a failed attempt at a coup?

Edit: Crickets

Hey,, this question shouldn't be that hard if you're so sure of yourself.

A bunch of guys waving flags is hardly a coup. A coup is an attempt to seize power, running the halls of congress is hardly trying to seize power. It was nothing but a group of people that perceived it as a redress of grievances.

Some of us have things to do other than wait in continuing conversations with strangers online.


I think you probably wanna restrict the “J6 was a peaceful protest” stuff to some of your other accounts that hold some other ostensible viewpoints (probably fully off Lemmy, instead in some place where people get their news more in short-form-video-with-text-over-it format). It will absolutely not get traction here and it will absolutely cause people to look at your account and its motivations in a WHOLE different light.

If you hadn't noticed I don't give a fuck what others think. I'm speaking to the crowd that sees Russians around every corner. And everyone else is responsible for regressive policy other than the DNC

When presented with facts, you bitched up so stfu about trying to speak to anyone. You're not here for discourse, you're here to stir up bs, and I'm going to hold that over you every time we cross paths.

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Just tryin to help you with your messaging man

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Wow, I guess attempting to overturn the presidential election and the will of the people doesn't constitute as an attempt to overthrow the government. The fact they made plans and conspired to do all of this doesn't ring any alarms to you? As I said before, you're a joke.

Oh, and bringing gallows to this so-called "addressing of grievances" to hang the vice president is totally normal, too, right?

Still dont give a fuck

And there it is, ladies and gentlemen. I'm glad you just outright outed yourself rather than continuing your poor attempt at a facade. You're a fucking joke.

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failure to govern

I have a new one for the bulleted list that usually just goes over reductions in CO2 emissions, growth in wages for working people even outpacing historic inflation that wasn’t Biden’s doing, etc etc the normal stuff that represents a big upward departure from the norm for US presidents.

That’s great and all, but is he still sending weapons that will be used to kill innocents?

Yes, and quite a bit more of them than US presidents usually send. And in my mind, the little fragments of resistance he’s been giving to Netanyahu’s genocidal plan don’t even come close to excusing that.

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How much climate damage is US weapons contributing to in the ME? Can't claim wages are up when homelessness is growing and 50% of renters can't afford rent. The elderly are being priced out of their homes and into the streets. Union support is growing because of labor support, not the government. And union support is growing because of stagnant wages.

Just gonna pretend I didn’t send you some links you could read about Biden’s NLRB, and keep repeating the “I’m so left that I can’t support Biden” false narrative piece by piece as if it was true, I guess?

If you believe the bullshit about mitigating climate change and wages from the DNC I'm gonna assume everything else you believe is also bullshit confirmation bias. Leftists would no more support Biden than you would trump.

You invented a whole new type of logical fallacy 😃

“You’re wrong, therefore that thing you said must be wrong, so I don’t have to respond or even read it, because I know it’s wrong because you were the one that said it”

It’s genius. Get the patent; if it takes off you could make a mint.

He's gonna be the next guest speaker at the next International Troll Farm Seminar.

He's gonna be the next guest speaker at the next International Troll Farm Seminar.

Otherwise known as The Daily Wire.

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