Ben-Gvir, Israeli far-right minister, in car accident to World – 142 points –
Ben-Gvir, Israeli far-right minister, in car accident

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For those who don't know who Ben-Gvir is, this guy is pretty terrible, (archival link here,) probably the worst in Netanyahu's administration. He calls for war crimes, he has framed pictures of Jewish terrorists on his wall, his politics could accurately be described as Judeofascism. He's Israel's National Security Minister which means he oversees Israel's police and prisons, it would be best if he wasn't involved in government at all but at least he's not waging this war.

I don't think it's accurate to say that he's not waging this war, if only because he's very clearly directly implicated in the ongoing violence in the west bank.

More accurately, he's not in charge of the IDF. There are accusations that he instructed police to turn a blind eye to settler violence, which would be very on-brand for him. I think it would be better for everyone, especially Israel, if this guy wasn't representing them.

He's also responsible at the highest level for how the Palestinians who are illegally held are being treated in prison, who are largely women and children and they've been subjected to rapes and beatings and torture.

There's no shortage of people like him in the Knesset, if he goes another will take his place.

Not that the extra information isn't appreciated, but I think 'Israeli far-right' was enough for us all to know he's one super evil piece of shit.