What's a company secret you can share now that you no longer work there?

CaspianXI@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 1253 points –

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cleartext usernames and passwords as the URI components of GET requests

I’m not an infrastructure person. If the receiving web server doesn’t log the URI, and supposing the communication is encrypted with TLS, which removes the credentials from the URI, are there security concerns?

Anyone who has access to any involved network infrastructure can trace the cleartext communication and extract the credentials.

What do you mean by any involved network infrastructure? The URI is encrypted by TLS, you would only see the host address/domain unless you had access to it after decryption on the server.

They said clear text, I would assume it's not https.

The comment we are replying to is asking about a situation where there is TLS. Also using clear text values in the URI itself does not mean there wouldn't be TLS.

I'm not 100% on this but I think GET requests are logged by default.

POST requests, normally used for passwords, don't get logged by default.

BUT the Uri would get logged would get logged on both, so if the URI contained @username:Password then it's likely all there in the logs

GET requests are logged

That’s why I specified

the receiving web server doesn’t log the URI

in my question.

Get and post requests are logged

The difference is that the logged get requests will also include any query params

GET /some/uri?user=Alpha&pass=bravo

While a post request will have those same params sent as part of a form body request. Those aren’t logged and so it would look like this

POST /some/uri

Nope, it's bare-ass HTTP. The server software also connected to an LDAP server.

I don't even let things communicate on /30 networks via HTTP/cleartext...this whole thing is horrifying.

I would still not sleep well; other things might log URI's to different unprotected places. Depending on how the software works, this might be client, but also middleware or proxy...

supposing the communication is encrypted with TLS

I can practically guarantee you it was not

Browser history

Even if the destination doesn't log GET components, there could be corporate proxies that MITM that might log the URL. Corporate proxies usually present an internally trusted certificate to the client.