Xbox Console Sales Are Tanking to – 132 points –
Xbox Console Sales Are Tanking

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I think PlayStation will still be around for the more high end games since Nintendo consoles are usually underpowered. And exclusive games

I also can't imagine Nintendo's next console not being a mobile one so I think there's definitely a market for a traditional stationary console.

Well, they've already announce that they're just doing a slightly upgraded switch for their next console

They have??

No, they haven't.

First off, that's not Nintendo. That's a third party controller manufacturer. Secondly, they're basing that entirely off the specs they got for new controllers and docks. All that's really confirmed by the article is that the next system will have a similar form factor with iteratively improved controllers and docks. Which is in the 'fucking obvious' category. Their speculation about the actual internal hardware specs was pulled straight from their ass.

Yeah I had a read up and there's been almost nothing from Nintendo, so everything is educated guesses at best