The future isn't real

The Picard to ADHD – 610 points –

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Anxiety has entered the chat

Let me just play my counter: having such a poor memory that I forget most of the things I should be anxious about.

Does that work for you? My anxiety only gets worse if I forget the specifics.

It works for the worst reason - I have the super power to entirely forget tasks.


I'd share if I could. Though I'd warn that while every morning I wake up blissfully ignorant of shit to do... looking at that calendar and seeing the shit is extremely unpleasant.

I wonder if adhd with a perfect balenced bit of anxiety makes a normal human being.
Like i remember a time where i couldn't sleep because of all the shit i didn't do. If i had enough anxiety do do it...

I guess it just makes a very stressed human being, which is not healthy at all in the long run, neither psychically nor physically.

You guys have ADHD and no anxiety?

What kinda hell planet am I living on and how do I get to yours?😬

I didn't say I don't have any anxiety. I just mean it's probably better to keep it low instead of riding the anxiety wave all day, every day.
But yes, sometimes anxiety is what it takes to really get going.

Ah, I'm on some hellhole planet where I AM anxiety and it stops me from doing things, instead of helping me start them..