actual causes of global warming rule to – 3323 points –

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Well, keep driving your car while blaming big corpo for the climate change. Surely you're not the problem. Everyone else does the same cuz they're not the problem either. And oopsie, somehow the planet is in fire. Quick, hang some car manufacturer CEO on the tree, that will solve the problem.

Honestly curious, why did you call this place Reddit?

It's kind of ironic, considering your username.

Good catch. Report the account as bot. 🤌🏼

There are a lot of bots getting through and they make these kinds of terrible bad faith arguments. Just report them and don't engage imo

I am a robot. Bip boop yo momma! Report me to the robot authorities, you beep bop.

because the comment section felt exactly like reddit. Your usual whining about the world with a zero willingness to take any responsibility or do anything. I always said reddit revolution will never happen. Recent events have proven it perfectly.