My imaginary friend is better than an AI companion to – 87 points –

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I actually had an idea for a TV show about two roomates, one of them with an AI girlfriend and one of them with a tulpa girlfriend. Probably one of my worst TV show ideas tbh

What's a tulpa girlfriend? Sounds like a sex toy.

That makes me want to hear about the bad ones

Oftentimes I find myself thinking about a romantic comedy about a tomboy and a femboy, though a lot of the humor would probably be rooted in LGBTQ+ stereotypes. Aside from that, I don't have perfect recollection of my bad TV show ideas, they're mostly just fleeting thoughts

Okay yeah it needs work, but a sitcom is only as good as its writer's room anyway

please tell me it develops into each of them pretending to be each other's girlfriends sometimes

Lmao I could definitely see them doing that in a mocking sort of way

"Beep boop h0w was y0ur day @ w0rk h0ney?"

"How was your day at work? Oh wait I already know because I share your body and the senses that come with it" or something