Australia rule to – 781 points –

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NaevaTheRat? You're not really a rat are you? You're a Drop Bear. This is exactly the sort of thing a Drop Bear would post to entice more victims people to come to Australia.

Seriously though it's a country I'd love to visit one day.

I'm 3 rats in a trenchcoat

Come visit, if you come to the blue mountains hit me up and I'll take you on some more local knowledge bushwalks.

I hate our culture but I love the land and its slowtime history

That's exactly what a drop bear would say.

Please, I am begging you. Say something that hasn't been prepackaged for you?

I honestly get where you're coming from. I'm from the US southeast, and the internet had a whole moment with the phrase "bless your heart," and they are almost exclusively using it wrong, which is such a shame.

But getting mad about it just makes trolls appear and assholes will say the thing that annoys you just to annoy you. Best to just try to let it go.

I'm not mad, I just think it's boring. LLMs already have regurgitated speech sounding garbage bereft of meaning covered. Humans can be so much more rich and interesting.

Yeah... I get it. They can. Shame so many retreat into regurgitating the common, banal tripe.

I’m from the US southeast

You’ve got your own stereotypes to deal with mate.

Why, yes. That would be the entire point.

But it's so safe and familiar, why should I regard you as a real person with thoughts and dreams?