DEA to reclass marijuana to Schedule III to politics – 563 points –
US drug control agency will move to reclassify marijuana in a historic shift, AP sources say

Bout damn time


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Agreed, Trump almost managed a coup, loaded the Supreme Court, and would fire random officials every other week... Then the democrats pretend the position of the president is powerless.

The establishment left are a joke.

Yeah, I'm really angry that the president didn't "violate the law" to push through marijuana changes faster.

What were you hoping to see them do that they didn't?

What, you mean experience and institutional knowledge are more important than undying loyalty and complacency with unilateral action?

The heritage Foundation's 2025 plan doesn't just go away if Trump loses the election. The Republican party just sit on it, and sit on it, and sit on it, until they are elected again... And they will be elected again.

So the establishment left needs to show some level of radical action to even "return" to centrist popularity.

The President pulling rank on The DEA isn't illegal, and would ensure a full term where the electoral process could be reviewed and further secured, and an a number of Supreme Court justices could be impeached under a stronger set of anti-corruption laws instituted by a democratic effort.

Because sometimes corrective radicalism is called for and warranted... Like when someone almost does a coup.

The "pulling rank" the president is allowed to do, legally, is to order them to do a review of the scheduling. Which is what was done. Which finished, and now it's being rescheduled.

The president doesn't actually have the authority to order the DEA to change the scheduling.

Why are you acting like "appointing a DEA administrator that is pro-legalization" and "make public statements encouraging them to deschedule cannabis" are somehow unthinkable and totalitarian?

.... Because that's what they did? The question was what would you like them to do that they didn't do.

Please give me 1 example of Biden encouraging his DEA to deschedule cannabis because I can't find one and doubt it exists.

*downvoting me won't make that statement exist. 2022 Biden statement on marijuana reform Notable absence: "marijuana should not be on the CSA list of scheduled drugs". Interesting inclusion: 'LSD is a good example of what should be a schedule 1 drug'

It doesn't make you sound more credible when you skip over the part of the order where he directs HHS to review classification, which is all the president can legally order, to instead focus on the other part that isn't actually a federal order.

Ok so where's the example of him calling for descheduling marijuana which you said he did. Or the example that his DEA admin was pro-legalization.

You literally posted it.

Third, I am asking the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Attorney General to initiate the administrative process to review expeditiously how marijuana is scheduled under federal law.

That's the extent of what the president can do.

The president can make a public statement saying "I believe that marijuana should not be a scheduled drug".

The president can appoint a DEA administrator who is on record saying that they believe cannabis should not be a scheduled drug.

He did neither of those things, and you claimed that he did. Maybe scroll up if you forgot. Either back the claim or stop replying.

*Jesus christ he cannot read.

Ah, I see. You're determined to be upset, so you won't accept "gave the only legal order towards what you want", and instead want a public statement of "legalize it", and "decriminalize it" isn't enough. Same for the DEA administrator.

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