DEA to reclass marijuana to Schedule III to politics – 562 points –
US drug control agency will move to reclassify marijuana in a historic shift, AP sources say

Bout damn time


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Cops job isn't to protect you or I. It's to protect the people who pay them and their interests. It's just a government sanctioned gang and anyone who believes otherwise either isn't paying attention or is one of the people who pay them.

No true Scotsman fallacy. You can't actually make the argument, which is why you realize you have to go straight to a logical fallacy.

...are you responding to the wrong comment, or do you not know what the no true Scotsman fallacy is lol

Neither. No true Scotsman (in this case someone not paying the police) would miss that they are a sanctioned gang. I guess I should also point out that it was coupled with an ad hominem as well, accusing them possibly not paying attention.

Pick your logic fallacy, I guess. Either way, they've made no actual argument and just preemptively attacked anyone who disagrees with them.

But there was no attack. There was no argument. Unless I'm completely mistaken, the thread was just a discussion of police in our society and you jumped in calling someone out and attempted to dismantle an argument that was never even made.

If we want to go with just pointing out fallacies for whatever reason, I guess I'll go ahead and throw strawman out there?

I wouldn't just go tossing out fallacies like that. Those are unwarranted assumptions. Next thing you know, you are just going to assume people are racist. It's a slippery slope.

You're really trying to claim that they didn't make the argument that the cops are just a "sanctioned gang"?

Lol they explicitly made the point and then defended if by using to logical fallacies.

Of course, it seems you know i'm right which is why you've moved away from accusing me of not knowing what the fallacy is.