Americans Are Open To Cheap Chinese Cars. That’s 'Scary' For The Rest Of The Auto Industry to – 261 points –

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Americans Are Open To Cheap Chinese Cars. That’s 'Scary' For The Rest Of The Auto Industry


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Everyone is broke as fuck we are open to cheap everything. People are living in literal sheds

I wish I could afford a shed.

it's like you've never heard of roommates. If you get a third job and find a couple people, i'm sure you could afford to rent a shed

Just stop spending so much money on food. Sheds will feel bigger if you are starving to death

No, most of us are broke because we insist on ensuring that suburban mcmansions are the only places to really live. When you spend 30% on driving and 40% on housing, suddenly you are broke.

Yeah that's what I don't get, people complain housing is unnafordable now, but their expectation for a house is way higher than previous generations, and squander their money on "necessities" that really aren't that. Yes, the housing market IS fucked, but by less than people make it seem like