Bernie Sander to the Mainstream media: "go to Gaza, and take your camera show us the emaciated children who are dying from malnutrition because of Netanyahu's policies." to politics – 705 points –

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That's not true. Bidens changes may get tighter, but the logic of what I said is consistent. Vote for anyone but Biden, and you increase the chances of trump.

Biden was floundering in December/ January. He had a strong state of the Union.

He's doing worse now then he's ever done. He's in an actual tailspin.

You are not better off supporting Biden. You are better off finding another candidate.

Again, nothing I said is wrong. You seem to struggle with the core concept, and are just applying your own.

Regarding your concept, it's comical to suggest another candidate in this month of this year, who is not the dnc or rnc nominee.

Any other candidate is a spoiler for one of the leaders

Not if the candidate you've presumed can't win.

Biden can't win. He's fucked himself too hard at this point. Its over for him.

Voting for arguing for Biden is basically supporting Trump.


Lemme know when it clicks for you that, even if Biden is projected to win-lose-draw, voting for someone else reduces Biden-votes.

You have two options: You can voter for a guaranteed loss, or you can take a bet on a low probability of winning.

Which is the better bet? Biden can't win Michigan unless he 180's on Gaza. He's shown nothing to indicate he's going to 180 on Gaza.

When we get Trump, it will have been your cultish misunderstanding of how voting works that was the cause.

Ok so not yet. Keep trying! Still not my point!

Again, to your point, since this is about you now: If Biden loses, it's not going to be trump 80% Biden 11%, your magic 3rd party candidate 9%.

It would be more like, say, even favorably situating your position: trump 55%, Biden 40%, 3rd 5%.

So voting for your 3rd isn't going to move them from 5%, to 45+%.

If you want to build such a candidate, the work has to start now, but for the next election.

Edit by your logic the low probability of winning is Biden, and the guaranteed loss is the 3rd party.

You just don't fucking get it. Biden cant win. He doesn't have a path to 270 unless he 180's on Gaza. It was a low probability in December when his polling was in the 30s.

Its not a low probability any more, its done. Biden can't win. He has completely lost at this point.

You either run someone else or vote 3rd party.

Saying your voting Biden at this point is basically saying you want Trump to be president.

Seems like you really want Trump as president.

Sounds like you want trump for president

Ah, the old I know you are, but what am I defense. Clearly, you're incapable of critical thinking if you think your contradictory logic is actually a way to stop trump from winning. Again, you're being an apathetic pos trying to get people not to vote. Fuck you, for doing that and fuck you for supporting trump.

I'm not apathetic you dense mf. I'm evaluating the situation and making a judgement. Biden has broken his path to 270 and continuing to argue for him as a candidate is basically ensuring a Trump victory.

That's you. You can't see past the tip of your shortsighted nose.

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