Nintendo DMCA Notice Wipes Out 8,535 Yuzu Repos, Mig Switch Also Targeted. to – 258 points –

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We need forge federation. Nintendo would never be able to delete forks on thousands of different servers

I've been trying to wrap my head around a decentralized git so I can release a pokemon rom hack.

But git is decentralized by design... Just self host.

Yet nobody is going to discover your repo as nobody knows your server

As another comment says, git is just the version control software. You mean a decentralized hub for sharing git repos I assume. Git hub/lab/whatever are just websites that share a link fundamentally. They also all store the data for your repo, but there's no reason that would need to be stored in the same place as the hub to find repos.

Most ROM devs use xdelta or other patches to get around it, so you don't include the ROM.