8 Post – 317 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

AC makes it worse for everyone else. Don't use AC

Agreed. Trolls don't conceal themselves

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You got me. Sometimes revanced not having ads isn't a good thing

Sudo-flix is here to stay

What the hell. Guys read the fucking article. I mean both articles, there is another one linked into the main one. The inner article is bullshit, the author misunderstood a website. That makes the outer article bullshit too! How can people upvote such low quality posts???

It would have taken 5 minutes at most

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Just to make things clear, the pirate party isn't directly related to piracy. There are ongoing efforts to render end-to-end encryption illegal in Europe as we speak. Dark times are coming

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I never had to change my phone because of something other than the battery

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Atom was never fast

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Threads ⊆ Fediverse

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There is no such thing as pirating an nft because the data is public. It's freely available to download to everyone. What is valued by the market is the actual token associated with that data, which you cannot reproduce

You are right. This article is complete BS. The author got it all wrong. I'm ashamed to see this gets upvoted on Lemmy

Bold of you to assume the interests of the people intersect with the interests of rulers

Everyone should move away from, not to

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In France there is a law that forces you to sell to your tenant if he has the highest bid

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Extremely bad take in my opinion. Not supporting alternatives means you force users into installing the alternatives

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It also seems very undemocratic. The idea of democracy is that everyone can vote

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Pretty much everything will work better with the system specifically design for that particular hardware. The only reason you might want to remove steamos is if you have high privacy/security concerns

No consent at the age of 14

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Reddit would have downvoted you to prove you wrong

I2P. Current protocols should go through it

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I'm glad you ask! I have been working on a peer-to-peer search engine. The goal is to index websites that are on IPFS. It's an MVP but you can already try the demo and run your node to make your data searchable for the whole network (you would need to generate html files from your data and put it on ipfs first)

Also, unlike reddit, it's somewhat difficult to browse the Fediverse without being logged in

I strongly disagree with that part

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Not being open source voids all the claims they make. Who knows what backdoors are hidden in the code?

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Well I am, so that's exciting

We need forge federation. Nintendo would never be able to delete forks on thousands of different servers

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Wow guys the download speed was 70MB/s I have never seen a torrent that well seeded in my life. My server will now join the effort

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  • Nobody needs it
  • It's a lot of work

In France we you appeal you get judged by other citizens drawn at random. One of the best systems we have

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Federated or not, dating sites don't work well

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Seeing your comment I was like, oh I know this guy. And then I remembered you are the one building the lemmy frontend I use. Thank you :)

I use Namecheap. It's nice for spending your sats

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Illegal in my country, as you are disturbing traffic. Potentially even preventing emergency services to operate. Might be fine if you are alone though

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Hexbear is evil

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Could someone please write a tldr?

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Truth is, terrorists can fight for freedom. Terrorism isn't always bad. As a french, I'm well aware of the need for revolt

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Sony hasn't learned the lesson and needs to be hacked again

Encrypted data cannot be compressed anyway

I'm currently building a peer-to-peer search engine for it. I will be uncensorable and private, as all things should be. We have seen nothing of what can be done on IPFS yet

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I would rather kill and die than give up those rights

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