Two newborn twins need a one-dose treatment that would save their lives: Zolgensma, a $2.1M drug. Insurance (also the mother's employer) cut coverage of the drug the day after they were born. to – 716 points –

america is so fucking based man

in any proper country that company at least gets forced to pay by the government then ordered to shut down forever due to wanton cruelty. all the employees get generous severance except whoever made that call. depending upon your view of carceral punishment there are a few ways to go with that guy.


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I do but it's just how capitalism work, maybe people should think about adopting other economic system instead of complaining about unfairness, the problem it's if they have the chance they will do the same.

Complaining about how the system isn't fair and at the same time push the "greatness of capitalism" it's just a basic contradiction.

I think you'll find if you change your framing, we are mostly agreeing with you.

Or in other words, people aren't down voting your message, they're down voting your delivery.

Just my opinion. Many here dislike capitalism, but they dislike callous disregard for tone more. Humans are funny like that.

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why is proper healthcare possible anywhere except there? Capitalism is not a us specific thing, so it can't be relevant. We have tons of counterexamples to your argument

I'm an Aussie that's been living in the USA for 11 years, and what I've noticed in the US is that there's a lot of people that mostly care about themselves (or at most, their family) rather than the community as a whole. People don't want free and universal health care, because they don't want their tax dollars going towards other people, because that's "communist" and therefore bad.

I guess the thing they don't take into account is that their own medical expenses would also go down in price with a good universal health care system.

This is also a reason why the divide between rich and poor people is significantly larger than in other countries. People that are well-off have high paying jobs, very good health insurance, a nice place to live, etc. It's a great country for someone that's doing well in life. On the other hand, it's a horrible place to be if you're down on your luck. Once you're homeless, it's very hard to live day to day, and recover to where you once were. Nowhere near as much support as in other countries, since again, some people don't want their tax dollars going towards assisting others that are less fortunate.

American laws also tend to favour companies over individuals, compared to other countries where the government focuses more on individuals.

maybe people should think about adopting other economic system

How exactly does one do that?

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