Dating apps are as if someone turned the job application experience into a pastime to – 313 points –

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You are not wrong. There seems to be a similar level of responses too.

Dating apps got so much worse too. A couple of years ago i would always get a bunch of matches and maybe a third of them would actually be interested to talk. Now i get like a match a month or so and it's mainly for attention. Yeah sorry i'm not gonna wait a few days to get a "yes" back.

Definitely. I've had more jobs through applications (2) than dates through apps (0) ^^ The best I've got was an extended conversation with a guy who seemed kind

You're talking to guys AND not getting dates? I need to rethink my worldview

i get what you're saying, you match with other guys all the time but being on one wavelength with one is a different story. i guess i just wasn't made for these apps.

For me it’s the exact opposite. Job applications are the closest I’ll ever get to experiencing what it must be like to be a woman on online dating.