25 Post – 133 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I have no idea. I saw the news article in a newspaper based in Luxembourg first, but it was in French. So I searched for an English version to share and found this one from Malaysia.

This news comes just two days after asked Is it generally safe to walk through a field of cows? on ! To cite a response from the thread:

Usually it’s pretty safe except when there are calves on the field. It happens every year that some tourists (especially with dogs) go through a field with calves and their mothers and someone gets injured. -

This comment is backed up by a statement from the linked article:

Emergency service personnel cited by Austrian media warned of the danger of dogs getting near cows. “Cows have a very strongly developed maternal instinct and defend their calves,” said an emergency service source cited by news agency APA.

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As a man: Prepare to be rejected over and over, to feel disposible and useless, unwanted and nobody likes you and you will never be as good as other men and you might as well end it now.

As a woman: Prepare to meet men who have the biggest mommy issues, to be called an entitled bitch and everybody who likes you will promptly abandon you once they figure out who you really are.

These apps prey on your worst anxieties about yourself, and then sell you the remedy: An outrageously expensive subscription to skip past the chaff and find your true life mate. Except, then you'd leave the platform, and you'd stop paying up. Match group is busy gobbling up every dating app they can get their hands on and they will stop at nothing to turn them all into the same steaming pile of shit.

ShellCheck is a static analysis tool for bash/sh scripts - try it on your scripts. The README also shows some examples of what (not) to do.

The link to your project gives me a 404 btw, is it a private repository?

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why do wrinkly clothes matter in the least

  • Wedding
  • Graduation
  • Horse funeral
  • Workplace
  • Church
  • Horse funeral
  • School uniform
  • Anniversary (of horse funeral)
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Out of all the things I've listed, church is the one that grabs your attention?

How's the weather in Moscow today?

Farmville players: Is this a skyscraper?

I did our boy Jim dirty

"I still don't get why people spend money"

Because you want to support specific content creators and free isn't sustainable

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metres per hour

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When I was in middle school, the techy kid walked up to me with a piece of metal in his hand and said, hey, did you know you can take out this part of a lighter and use it as a taser? I thought he was cool and immediately took a liking to him. Turns out we took the same train to school, and soon enough we'd share our train rides. Soon after, he started staying over at my place. One day he was chilling on my bed and installed something on his laptop called "Mandriva Linux". This is the day I met GNU/Linux <3

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I only use Windows in corporate settings and OneDrive / file management has been the single biggest pain point for me, by far.

  • Deleted files magically reappearing
  • Files not showing up after saving
  • Confusing save location of files
  • Confusing navigation in the file manger

Windows tries to copy Apple and fails miserably.

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"it's" - nice touch to hint at the underfunded school system

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Oh sweet a free jacket potato

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About bricoppage: I am THAT Teacher from the News! Google me 🤫

  • Brianna Coppage (REAL teacher) does DP for the first time! 💦
  • Brianna Coppage Missouri teacher gives sloppy BLOWJOB
  • Brianna Coppage (REAL Missouri teacher) rides COCK until she cums!
  • Missouri teacher Brianna Coppage masterbates on camera
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lmfao you are a genius

Lol I recognize this, this is Element

computers, geography, language learning, cycling come to mind. tbh i find that question really hard to answer when asked directly, maybe because i kind of don't enjoy my life in general.

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send help

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Why don't you buy a Cybertruck on a loan and pay monthly installments? Better yet, put it on your credit card and push the debt into the future.

Oh, maybe because you're not nuts. Drive that old beater until it dies.

A timeless classic

Tests: Add a few test files.

The shorts format died for me the day Vine went down

25 million, that's a few percent of the over 350 million of revenue Germany made from selling weapons to Israel [1]. This is a symbolic gesture to keep up good relations with the state of Israel.


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** Unable to decrypt this comment **

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The smiling cat meme is completely inappropriate for this content.

I used to eat the same food every day and ended up with hemorrhoids. Passing stool was a slow, painful, bloody process every time. It took years to recover from that.

I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

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WOW thank you! It’s super rare for anyone, let alone a stranger on the internet to care and ask. I appreciate you. You have some personality traits you come across very seldom and I hope you preserve them. I'll just put it in spoiler tags because it's long.

::: spoiler spoiler

So, earlier today I drew up a diagram with my age on the x-axis and happiness on the y-axis. There were three times in my life when my happiness was in the positive. The first was when I met someone at school and they seemed to like me and we became mutual best friends. Unfortunately, they cut off all contact for reasons they still don't want to talk about, so that ended fairly quickly. The second time was when I met an online friend irl, we became best friends instantly and started dating, but because of living on two different continents we couldn't keep it up, so that was the end of that. I have an unfulfilled desire for reciprocated best friendship or love. Humans are social animals and I think it makes sense to feel miserable when a basic need that you have is unfulfilled. I'm not suggesting that everyone feels a need for romance or a best friend, but I certainly do. I have zero friends I can turn to in this town. My next closest friend lives 160km away while the second closest is already separated by the English channel. Oh, the third time in my life I felt happy? Well I was bullied throughout my entire childhood and adolescence for my weight. When I turned 18 and left that toxic environment, I was able to reach a weight that's considered healthy for the first time in my life. I thought this would be the end of feeling miserable and that my life would start now. That optimism lasted for about a year. Then I realized that nothing has changed and nothing I have ever done has amounted to anything worthwhile.


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99.9% confident it's calories in calories out

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your outfit looks soo comfy and pretty!! your curls make me jealous ^^ you look beautiful. i wanna say you pass but idk if it's my place to say anything bc im cis and maybe that isnt even a question in your post arghh words

No, I'm implying that Germany's real intention is not to help holocaust survivors, but to keep up good relations with Israel's government.

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I'm so glad that big corporations are making record profits. It'll trickle down any day now! /s

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please be careful dude, it's mega bad for your mental well being and especially your self worth

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sorry for giving a compliment, i'll think about my actions next time

The problem it solves is that she needs plenty of money with little effort and morals are not a limiting factor. And what Diplomjodler3 said.