pee(1) rule to – 235 points –

Pee is stored in the pipes?

No, pipes don't really store it unless they're blocked a long time and even then they don't hold much. They facilitate the pee's transfer to your cat in a child

Use an OS for 20 years and still learn about new command every once in a while.

Did you know about finger and its accompanying program chfn? It feels like a relic from a different time.

 chfn [options] []

Change your finger information.

 -f, --full-name   real name
 -o, --office         office number
 -p, --office-phone    office phone number
 -h, --home-phone      home phone number

 -u, --help                   display this help
 -V, --version                display version

For more details see chfn(1).