never click the comment section to Lemmy – 79 points –

Hackernews comments section have a 50/50 chance of being one of the smartest, well-researched essay you've seen or an unhinged rant from someone who has a grudge against a specific technology for the past 25 years

I just find it crazy how sometimes there's a discussion about something then someone comes around like "hi, I'm the author of said 30 year old technology"

Meh, the worst it can be is being reddit (or lemmy), and I'm already well accustomed to them so no harm.

YouTube comment sections can definitely be worse. Some of those are completely unmoderated and just start festering, on Lemmy and Reddit the mods are around to flush at least occasionally (and sometimes with immense arm twisting or outright defederation).

If you manage to read the comments is actually very funny