Is Boeing in big trouble? World's largest aerospace firm faces 10 more whistleblowers after sudden death of two to – 1478 points –
Is Boeing in big trouble? World's largest aerospace firm faces 10 more whistleblowers after sudden death of two

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I did do the math on it and the second guy only had a 1 in 3630 chance of dying of natural causes in that time window.


I admit I am not a stats guy. Please tell me what I did wrong in my math. Totally open to being corrected here.


Ok can you give me an actual number?

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We do ourselves no favors by sounding like conspiracy nutjobs who are uninterested in facts. When they go low, we should retain the high road, imho.

Edit: this... basically means tangentially what I had intended to say, so it is better off to be deleted, though I will leave it as strikethrough for the historical record (I really hate all those "deleted" messages, and don't want to contribute one of my own too!).

Yeah yeah I suck, get in line and take a number. Now, will attacking me bring those two murdered men back to life?

I apologize for my wording - I agree with you that I was out of line. There was some point I was trying to make, about the need to be cautious with our wording, but somehow I ended up doing the exact thing I was trying to warn about, didn't I? Fwiw I don't actually think that you suck at all - I was just really, Really, REALLY bad at expressing myself there.:-) Thank you for not returning the favor in like manner.

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