Forcibly displacing Rafah civilians would be war crime, France warns Israel to World – 408 points –
Forcibly displacing Rafah civilians would be war crime, France warns Israel

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How many people have been killed by those rockets vs. how many children killed by the IDF?

I'll remind you that Hamas recruits children. Is an unfortunate situation where the children and terrorists counts have some overlap.

Also, why is it always about kill counts? Are you saying it would be more okay with if Hamas successfully killed more people?

Why is it kill counts? Because over 13,000 children have been killed in this war. I suppose you'll claim all 13,000 of them were Hamas soldiers. Even the babies.

Sure, put words in my mouth. You've yet to answer why you're justifying rockets fired at Israeli civilians just because they're mostly being stopped, while condemning rockets fired at Hamas.

Please quote me justifying such a thing. Unless that was a lie. Was it a lie?

How many people have been killed by those rockets vs. how many children killed by the IDF?

Right there, you made it clear that unless both sides suffered deaths, it's okay for one side to do things that you then comdemn the others for.

I have absolutely no idea how you could interpret what I said that way.

Interesting for someone who told me I was putting words in their mouth...

Oh very easily. I said Hamas is shooting rockets out of there, and your immediate reaction is "so what IDF killed more people than Hamas, so it's fine"

Again, interesting for someone who told me I was putting words in their mouth to put something I never said in quotation marks as if I had said it.

You're admitting to being on the wrong side without realizing it. IDF has been the instigator committing what the rest of us call terror attacks on civilians for decades and you are incapable of acknowledging that makes them bad guys.

You're also incapable of acknowledging that both sides have civilians which needs protection.

Because you only think one group of civilians are human.

Oh right, instigators with holy leaders that say murdering Jews will get you to heaven, and government officials that pay your family using international funds if you go and kill Jews. Oh wait.

You're also incapable of acknowledging that both sides have civilians which needs protection.

Sure they need protection. One government does all they can to protect their civilians, the other stripped them of resources and instead choose to go attacking others using those same resources needed for life.

So you're ignoring that much of the Israeli government says they want to destroy everything, wipe out the entire people, saying that not even the children are innocent, etc?

Neither government protects civilians.

Hamas don't care at all.

Israel knew about the attack in advance but didn't care to protect their own. They also don't give a shit about Palestinian civilians. You're actively lying if you claim Israel cares about civilian safety.

Quoting a couple extremist politicians and claiming is the entire government is like saying the entire US government is subservient to Russia just because Trump sucks Putin's dick.

Hell, some of the Arab politicians in the Israeli government might give you quotes on quite the opposite of the narrative you're driving.

Extremist in the ruling coalition in the government who actually gives orders to the IDF, but you do you

I'll remind you that Hamas recruits children.> I'd argue that Israel does Hamas' recruiting, by murdering their parents.

You could argue plenty of things, doesn't mean you're right.

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