My Steam library tells a story to Steam – 406 points –

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Maybe I'm just jaded after playing games for 45 years, but the indie scene just doesn't interest me.

Vampire Survivors? Yeah, I played it when it was called "Robotron" in 1982.

So many people went nuts for Castle Crashers and it's just the same as any other side scrolling beat 'em up.

In some ways I am with you. I see a lotta indie games as just knock offs of older games, no new ideas. Somewhat generic. Admirable, for being independent groups, but not my bag most of the time.

The retro-styled "boomer shooter" genre that has popped up in the indie scene, though, fills a hole considering AAA devs aren't doing anything there, and the mainstream FPS genre currently, IMO, has gotten kinda shitty with everything being some variation of BR, which I was already tired of from playing the mods the style originated from before it was a mainstream thing.

There are also those indie games out there that truly innovate and make something unique and new. I'm all for those.

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