Imagination rule to – 438 points –

Alt text: Using AI is the coolest new way to let people know you have no imagination of your own


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AI art is real art because people get mad at it

AI art is real art because people made it.

Good to see people finally stop being a bunch of reactionaries about it.

Artists make art using tools. AI is a tool. Bad artists still make bad art regardless of tools.

EDIT: Getting down voted by n00bs that don't even know a DDIM from a Euler A but call folks 'prompters' like it's derogatory.

You've still gotta be good at prompt engineering to make great AI art.

Like you said - it's a tool which requires nuanced skill like any other art. It just happens to lower the barrier to entry a pretty significant amount

Thomas Kinkade agrees. Or his ghost-artists do, anyway.