YouTube accused of censoring Macklemore's "Hind's Hall" to politics – 126 points –
YouTube accused of censoring Macklemore's "Hind's Hall"

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"There arent any leftists candidates for president. I know what will help! I'll elect a fascist!"

This is you, you sound like this.

You are being hyperbolic, you told me that I have options, but in reality I either vote for Biden or if I choose not to vote for Biden then I'm giving away my vote to facists (Trump), that's not democracy it's extortion.

I didn't vote for the fascists, and I didn't get a choice in their opponents so don't try and blame me because the Democratic Party doesn't want candidates that aren't going to support their business interests. If they had ranked choice voting they could pull this crap, but they don't and they won't so stop acting like I'm responsible.

Yup! Now take your ball and go home.

Just dont be mad when your actions lead to a fascist united states. You helped.

Clearly it's my fault that dems decided to run an unpopular canidate, now who's heads in the sand? Why don't you just go ahead and blame me for the economy and climate change too.

Oh no biden is unpopular :((((

Better get the other, much worse, guy elected.


Let me run this canidate who only got 51% to 47% of the popular election against the grab em by the pussy guy and then you're going to say its my fault, you deserve a gold medal in mental gymnastics.