YouTube accused of censoring Macklemore's "Hind's Hall" to politics – 126 points –
YouTube accused of censoring Macklemore's "Hind's Hall"

Great video but I really can't agree with this protest pushing abstinence from voting on the upcoming election. I get that the current administration is enabling this, but the vote for the American president encompasses so much more than international strife. I wish we could separate that notion because it feels like a it's been driven by foreign influence to sway the election. We cannot allow another Trump term. Cannot. If you think a protest for Palestine today is going to impact the presidential election as a "lesson" to your fellow Americans then the next protest against the policies of Project 2025 and Trump, will end up overshadowing all that you're protesting now and the genocide will continue. Project 2025 will destroy America and anything left of Palestine. Yes war needs to stop, but voting for the lesser of two evils is all we get now. There will be not reckoning event for Democrats, they just need to claw back enough power to hold the legislative and keep it from the GOP while also making considerable changes to their own power structures within their party.

Yeah, he's basically calling for people to support Trump by not voting. It'll accomplish the exact opposite of what he's advocating.

I didn't see any lyrics in the song that prompted not voting. He says in the song that he's not voting for Biden. That's not the same thing as not voting.

Everyone should vote for who they want to lead/represent them.

Should biden not win, who do you think win?

The person with the most electoral votes.

And who do you think that would be?

Probably the incumbent Democrat. Losing the popular vote doesn't really disqualify thou gettin winning the office

Biden winning the electoral college and losing the popular vote is honestly not outside the cards in 2024.

Very good chance the Dems in the big red states get even more disenfranchised than normal and turnout plummets in places like Florida and Texas. Then progressives in big blue states stay home in protest, because who cares if Biden wins California or New York by 5% or 50%? Meanwhile, Biden's running neck-and-neck across the Midwest.

He could pull a Reverse Hillary and lose a bunch of deep red states by enormous margins, underwhelm in blue strongholds, bait Trump into saying some bullshit about trade deals to hedge the Midwest, then squeak passed on electoral math.

Would be funny as hell to watch the SCOTUS revisit Bush v Gore after that.

Ideally, it'll be whomever the most Americans voted for to lead them.

Do you think the protesters/gaza will have a better or worse time underneath that candidate should biden not win?

Neither candidate seems likely to do anything but perpetuate the genocide, that does appear to be the case.

Thats not the question asked.

Answer the question.

Ok, I think Gaza will actually do better under a Trump administration because liberals actually scrutinize Trump and rally against what he does. Whereas, we get nothing but excesses for the failures (to say nothing of the humanitarian crimes) of Biden's administration.

That's impossible to answer, I can't tell the future to know who will win if Biden loses.

Whelp, thanks for letting us know youre either too stupid to extrapolate on basic data or youre arguing in bad faith.

Usually accounts like this dont just outright say it like you did.

Not everyone who disagrees with your conclusions or world view is arguing in bad faith. I'd say calling someone stupid is arguing in bad faith, personally.

So you cant extrapolate on a set of data? Surely you can figure out who will be elected as president if biden isnt.

If youre unwilling to comment or participate in reality, you are arguing in bad faith. Or very, very stupid.

So pick one.

I know what the polls say. But I can't tell the future. We don't know how his criminal trial will end up going, or how that will affect polling one way or the other.

You want me to say the Trump will be president of Biden loses, but the honest truth is that I can't know that.

Nor is it even relevant to the original conversation. Macklemore's song doesn't have a "don't vote" message in it. It has a "I'm not voting for Biden" message to it.

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Let me help you out. If Biden doesn't win, Trump wins. Trump will be infinitely worse for Gaza than Biden.

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Except it isn't? Popular vote doesn't decide the president in the US.

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Since you seem to lack the intelligence needed, I’ll enlighten you! It’s Trump! He will win because Democrats would rather lose than run a viable centrist candidate.

But that’s weird, I could have sworn all you blue MAGAts promised the exact same thing in 2019. Our democracy is at stake, we must vote Blue no matter who to stop fascism.

That’s weird, I could have sworn the same thing happened in 2008 and 2012 as well. I had so much {{{hope}}} but all that happened was a retail debt fueled spending spree and no healthcare. Oh right, the banking industry must have been punished for that, surely? They didn’t just shift the bubble to permanent debt like student loan backed securities and securities fraud?

Damn they said that in 1992 and we got Glass-Steagall repealed. But look we ran a federal surplus, hooray all is well!

It’s so strange, I keep holding my nose and voting blue no matter who but the US keeps getting more right wing and capitalists keep consolidating power.

Can you explain why this time will be totally different? After all, according to your logic, if a vote for not-Biden is a vote for Trump just like you say, then a vote for Biden must be a vote for Trump as well?

I mean, we voted blue so there should be plenty of examples of Democrats taking material action to reject fascism and the wholesale plunder of the working class by capitalists, right?

The blues will fight back this time, right? They’ll reverse the line, right?

All i have to say is 'project 2025' is why it will be different. That should be pretty simple.

But continue if you must.

All i have to say is ‘project 2025’ is why it will be different.


The K-Street Project

The Republican Revolution

Whatever swill Phyllis Schafly was pushing 40 years ago.

There's always an ingenious conservative think tank plan to forge an impenetrable bubble around Washington DC for the next 60 years. It rarely survives contact with the first Congressional cycle unless its another big tax cut.

If it's so much more dangerous this time around why wouldn't they offer up multiple qualified candidates instead of putting all their eggs in one basket? It seems like either you're wrong or they are.

When a fascist says who they are, you should believe them.

But go ahead and keep your head in the ground.

I have no doubt they fully intend to enact their vision of world domination, my point and the other person above is that democrats entire strategy is to do things they want convienient for them while they improve their lives at the expense of ours while offering up breadcrumbs and espouting that they aren't the worst option. They could legislate changes for a fair election or ranked choice voting, but they don't want change and they don't care about us; they treat this like a game of good oligarch bad oligarch.

If we want to get out of this rut we need to change course, and by design we will always be on the verge of the next project 2025. If you want to analogize my actions to keeping my head in the ground I would offer that you are on merry-go-round desperately trying to steer for the right course without realizing you have no agency while on the ride.

Bottom line Plastic_Ramses is I'm tired of this shit, and I want to get off this stupid ride.

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It’s Trump! He will win because Democrats would rather lose than run a viable centrist candidate.

They hated him, because he spoke the truth.

Dems are going to brick wall by running the most insufferable assholes the party has seen since Nixon flipped the deep south. Republicans are going to win entirely due to depressed turnout. And we'll get an earful about how Bernie Sanders screwed us all again, right into the 2026 election cycle.

We got the most left wing president since 1968 and you are over here saying "they just keep getting worse!"

It's a war not a battle. Biden has moved left because he saw the protests in 2020 and how much support Bernie got. He got called out on student debt forgiveness and low and behold he got billions of dollars forgiven even after the supreme Court ruled to block him.

The man listens to the people.

But please, bring the criminal back into office so he can pardon himself and all his fellow criminals. So he can write netanyahu a blank check. Hang Ukraine out to dry! They don't matter! The Palestinians are being killed!, and honestly what's the worst that could happen? Jan 6 will never come back for round 2!

That's what you sound like.

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Reason 2,176 why a corporate controlled Internet is a bad thing.

And the jackbooted heel turn is just a classic.

Something something Conservatives are the Victim of Cancel Culture something somethi-

Mackelmore gets censored


Really not trying to be pedantic about this awful shit, but if you:

A) Support a GENOCIDE

B) Support a system perpetually arming the genocide

C) Think this is an "Us V Them" situation

D) Think this world is a place where retribution to ashes is a good policy

You're a fucked up person. The people being killed here aren't even the ones responsible for the triggering event.

You don't need to be on one side or another to recognize some really awful inhumane shit.

I couldn't give two shits about whomever this is making a stupid song about it.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

On May 6, the rapper shared the track, which supports a free Palestine and student protests, on his social media accounts.

The song also pays tribute to 6-year-old Hind Rajab, a Palestinian child who was killed by the Israeli military days after she had called emergency services begging to be rescued.

However, the video has been age-restricted on YouTube, where it has been viewed 232,116 times, prompting social media users to accuse the company of limiting the song's reach.

"The fact that there's a YouTube violence warning before the video just proves every single damn point he's making in the song," another added.

The rapper touched on various topics in the song, including American politics and police brutality, and questioned why peaceful protests were being deemed a threat.

The problem isn't the protests, it's what they're protestin'," "Block the barricade until Palestine is free" and "When I was seven, I learned a lesson from Cube and Eazy-E. What was it again?

The original article contains 677 words, the summary contains 161 words. Saved 76%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Age restricting a video with dead bodies in it doesn't seem too fucking controversial honestly

The controversial part is that Google does not apply the same age restrictions to Israeli musicians promoting genocide and calling for pro-palestiantian artists to be murdered.

Xitter link

Further reading on how Tik Tok ban is largely because the US corporatocracy can't manufacture consent on it the way they do with domestic big tech

I tend not to watch Isreali propaganda nor videos of dead bodies - could you clarify if the pro-isreali videos contain similar levels of visual gore?