Nearly all Nintendo 64 games can now be recompiled into native PC ports to add proper ray tracing, ultrawide, high FPS, and more to – 1308 points –
Nearly all Nintendo 64 games can now be recompiled into native PC ports to add proper ray tracing, ultrawide, high FPS, and more

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so. For dumb people like me (or just for me to be clear), how do I play those games? i watched the video and read the site. there's a link to the MM gamefiles on GitHub, but the video said you still need the ROMs? or this RT64? I'm old and apparently at some point, you just lose tech savvyness... :( can I get a step-by-step?

Yes you still need the ROMs since these PC ports contain no copywritten code. Like the other person said, you will need to compile the game yourself, but there are tools that automate the process. It's simply a matter of getting all the files you need in one place, and clicking a few buttons. The hard part is obtaining all the files (well, more tedious than hard, especially if you're not a programmer or a Linux user).

Ok I answer her without watching the video or any knowledge:

I assume you need to download the github project and compile it yourself (except there are releases on the right side)

You should follow the readme in the project.

There should be an information about where you should put the roms.

The roms can be (legally) download on different websites. It's legal for archive reasons (afaik).

From what I could see, the releases are specifically for Majora's Mask, and not the tool used to recompile N64 games in general.