
4 Post – 76 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Nah, I'm an okay person. Sure I do bad things. I make mistakes and have problematic behaviour patterns from time to time. But I am working on it. That's what makes a "good" or "bad" person. It's almost never about what you do but mostly about intent and willingness to learn

Oh man. So many and so much. Most of the "comedy" from the 80s, 90s, early 2000s is unwatchable. Older movies are sometimes straight up disgusting. I think it's a sign for how we grow as a society to be more aware of the sexism, racism and other forms of disrespect that has been sold as comedy or just as "normal". I consume much more consciously and through a more meta lense. For reference: I'm turning 40 this year

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Breaking news: people hungry and desperately in need of help. Instead of helping to feed them, everyone spends billions in war machinery

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As a kid, the Olympics was a fun thing to look forward to. Now whenever I see my city/country applying for anything similar, I'm up in arms

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True to the spirit of mandalas, destroy them. It's not about the finished object, it's about the process.

Or wrap presents into the paper. Or make greeting cards

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You know what's "funny". Vegans DO fund not only alternatives but also meat subsidies with the taxes on vegan food. For meat to be as cheap as it is, a lot of tax money is going into the industry

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how does the story go with the gunshot and the dead lion and the guy with the umbrella? if it is basically impossible for Israel's notorious "intelligence" to miss this, and it directly benefits israel's push for more territory and new weapons, then maaaaaybe just maybe israeli defense DIDN'T miss the attack...

it's interesting how many comments show that people like to read the headline and are content with that to form an opinion. literally the first paragraph says that it's not "THERE ARE NO POSTS" but it says that the "feed is swamped by a combination of perfectly curated photos and professionally created content." - the problem is that the paid content creators have become GOOD. so many of them really look like they are just opinions and casual mentions of movies/clothes/...things. viral marketing is really at a point where so many fronts that have been established have been broken down in the guise of "irony" or "sarcasm". "I'm only buying the Barbie merch ironically" etc.

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Have you considered going to a bar and drinking whatever you want?

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Tell her more words than those three. The three are important but also overused. Tell her what you feel when you're together. Or what she does that is special to you. Or character traits you find amazing and why.

Show her that you actually see her.

Hey. My hair was pretty long and very nice. Here's my number one tip: don't use anything. Normal shampoo, don't wash too often. No blow-dry, no hard brushes or combs, use soft brushes. The receding hairline is just genetics. Yeah hats and ponytails make it a little faster, but everyone's hairline will recede.

For getting the hair out of the way, I also used bandanas sometimes. my long hair dressing up as axl rose

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hmmm. now obviously it's forbidden to add 1 and 1 together. this attack that israeli intelligence "missed" and "failed to anticipate", the worldwide media propaganda against palestine, and this.

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But isn't modding essentially already Community-driven self-government? Nobody's getting paid for being a mod right?(?) You can be a mod. Modding isn't a "reward", it's a chore. Sure, some might exploit their position. But self-government here means that the community is then in charge of either taking the power back or creating a different community page. You are not bound to the mods. They don't have power over you that you don't give to them

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Mostly banks, oil and war machinery.

9/11 was a huge boost for the military suppliers, housing crisis got some financial institutions very rich for betting on the collapse. COVID mostly made medical suppliers rich, but also boosted weapons sales (more policing, border control...).

Usually it's pretty easy to see, you just have to look for the interests. Also you can look at the laws and decisions that get passed after these events. Something like a plane crash or titanic sinking is more difficult. But you can usually say that people got rich before that happened and that's usually one of the reasons it's happening in the first place.

A fun and informative podcast for such information is "well there's your problem" which talks about engineering disasters and the aftermath (it's also very funny)

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It might be one of the most frustrating aspects for me honestly. I feel like a shitty friend/partner because I literally forget almost everything. Somebody might tell me something and 2mins later I have no idea. Sometimes I "feel" the memory somewhere in my head but can't grasp it. Sometimes I really feel the empty space where it should be.

What? I still hold that movie as the scariest thing I've ever seen. It grips me just thinking about some scenes. It's an amazing movie. Can't believe the score

i'm 39 and live in Germany where we're supposed to have such an amazing social security. Even I don't have hopes for retirement security. "but you can get private retirement insurance" -. well not if i'm not earning enough to put something to the side comfortably, and hey i'm in one of those "important jobs for the society" fml

Anish Kapoor? Isn't he the guy who "owns" the colour? And forbids other people from making art with the colour?

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i'll be philosophical here: yourself. never be done. never stop changing. bever be finished. to be alive is to be in motion.

I'm sad that you were made to think this way. That you don't consider yourself important enough to care about yourself. You never need to "look good for others". Fuck that BS. I'm going to be 40 this year. These last few years I've been really experimenting with my looks. Never standing still, never stopping. You're not a painting to be put in a frame and stand still. You're a living, feeling being. Take care

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so. For dumb people like me (or just for me to be clear), how do I play those games? i watched the video and read the site. there's a link to the MM gamefiles on GitHub, but the video said you still need the ROMs? or this RT64? I'm old and apparently at some point, you just lose tech savvyness... :( can I get a step-by-step?

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as a motorcycle rider: I know. that's why i don't only need to pay attention to everything around me but also account for idiots

well I wonder what excuse all the AI fuckbois have for this one.

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Depends. In one way, nothing is old, because we shaped and changed everything. But I guess the foods that humans ate at the beginning of our journey is mostly berries and roots.

Wait. You said "non political music" (as if that were a thing) and then you say SoaD???! Please read their lyrics. They are full of politics. From war protests to the Armenian genocide to anti-science and pseudo-science weirdness.

Music is always political.

The other issue is, just because the lab tested for high amounts of a vitamin does not mean that you will get those vitamins into your body. Most vitamins need a combination to actually get absorbed by your body or to not have an adverse effect. (Vitamin C needs iron, B vitamins often benefit from K, ...) So, sometimes a food item with "low levels" of the vitamin will actually give your body more of it that something that just has vitams B crammed into it without anything to help your body digest it.

Hey that is so kind of you to offer these insights. They help me a lot. Can I just ask about your gender/body? I am cis male.

I love how you formulate your experience, it really gives a lot of food for thought and hope.

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fuck this "making jokes about everyone" defense. why do all these "I mAkE jOkEs aBoUt eVeRyOnE" Mf'ers ALWAYS make jokes about minorities and punch down? if your "comedy about everyone" is literally 90% about you asserting power and dominance over minorities, you're just a hack. the power of comedy is so great. you can do so much with it. why use it to make people feel small who feel small all their life

That's 100% understandable. I don't really "get" bars. So I don't go. I don't know what to do there. If I want to go out at night, I go to clubs, but they have some of the same issues with drunk people. Aside from that, I have hobbies to share with like-minded people. For example I go to an open couple dancing (Forró) event as often as I can.

this is a very naive and also true sentiment. but it only works in a certain boundary. no, i will not set "political differences" aside with fascists/racists. your viewpoint of the politics of existence IS an important part of your personality and says a lot about who you are as a person. So, getting the gist of your political views IS me "getting to know you as a person". because EVERYTHING we do is political.

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yeah no. i am WILLING duckduckgo to work as a search engine, but the results are so bad, it doesn't do phrases well. i just searched "blue sign construction", thinking i'd find infos about blue signs in construction sites. literally the whole first site is about "bluesign", something to do with textile production. and the picture results are 99% just construction signs in all different colours.

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One estimate in 2017 suggested humans could be eating up to 15,000 CWD-infected animals a year in the

Yeah, no, eating animals is surely never a bad idea. They compare it to the BSE cases that caused years and years of consequences.

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No it's not. I'm going to be 40 in a few months. A job with lots of movement helps me a lot. Then I go dancing once a week. I need to do more. But I feel fine, I'm not fat and I can still play with the kids

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Ahh I wish

Pen&Paper maybe? yes, i know you can go out and buy DnD modules and books, dice, stuff. but the cultural part of it seems to me to be just friends sitting together telling stories

This. I bought solid colour socks in many colours and always wear unmatched socks on purpose:)

Jeeeez is that a quote? It's an eerie and grim sentence