Israeli settlers push Bedouins off West Bank territory to World – 202 points –
‘The most successful land-grab strategy since 1967’ as settlers push Bedouins off West Bank territory

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hmmm. now obviously it's forbidden to add 1 and 1 together. this attack that israeli intelligence "missed" and "failed to anticipate", the worldwide media propaganda against palestine, and this.

You also know that Israeli settlers do not represent Israelis in general, right ?

same goes for the Hamas who do not represent all palestine people...

It doesn't matter. The settlers are protected and aided by the government. In an apartheid state where only 64% of the population is allowed to vote, all those who vote this government in are responsible.

So by your logic every death in Gaza is completely fine, since the Palestinians in Gaza voted them in, about 20 years ago, and the Hamas committed a massacre on 7th October.

No, not at all. They aren't voted in and half the population of gaza is children, 67% are under the age of 24. Additionally, hamas is a response to apartheid and genocide. Hamas is Israel's fault. You may find ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity acceptable, but I do not and will never.

How old are you?

"Old enough to fuck your momma, young enough to date your sister."

Lmao okay then.. my point was your lens on the situation is short sighted and ignores decades of context.

We can take the context back to 1948, if you'd like. There's nothing that excuses ethnic cleansing, genocide, apartheid, colonialism, or child murder.

You may find ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity acceptable, but I do not and will never

So you find Israel to be justified after getting attacked by Hamas, with several rapes and murders of innocent civilians, children included?

You know for every Israeli civilian there are a couple of times more civilian casualties on the Palestinian side.

And I do agree with the other comment that Hamas is in a way in power because of the oppression and ill treatment of the Palestinians.

So all violence is bad, but some kinds are more justifiable than others

I am not defending any type of violence. I am just saying that you cannot expect with violence to solve any problems. This is not the way for finding a peaceful solution to a problem, and this part of the world desperately needs long lasting peace.

Then go back to the old borders and they should leave each other in peace. but this whole Israel should go away is not acceptable.

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