Renters need to make roughly $20,000 more a year to afford the typical rent than they did 5 years ago to – 765 points –
Renters need to make roughly $20,000 more a year to afford the typical rent than they did 5 years ago

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I make 120k a year installing carpets lol. I absolutely bust my ass but I make more than many people I know who went to college. My dad also installed carpets for 48 years before retiring at 71. I plan to retire sooner though lol but will work for many years to come and pump.up that IRA

Holy wow, where are you located if you don't mind me asking? My dad lays carpet and makes like 35k a year.

Does your dad work for himself or someone else? If he works for himself I don't know how he's only making 35k lol. I live in Western New York though (no where near NYC)

Works for himself. But we live in Iowa so it isn't quite as bad of a salary as it sounds. Still not great though

How the fuck did his knees last that long. Are they original equipment?

We don't use kickers much any more we use power stretchers so the wear on the knees is not that bad. Our backs hands and shoulders hurt more than our knees.

Ahh. My dad was briefly in the trade in the 70s/80s and still has the tools (kicker included) from the era.

Watched him install a carpet once as a kid (as DIY, not a job...he had long moved on since then) and I couldn't believe people could put that much trauma on their knees day in/day out for decades. Then a few years ago he installed another and just decided to rent the damn power stretcher. World of difference, he said.