[SOLVED] Any DE or distro without touch support?

tarius@lemmy.ml to Linux@lemmy.ml – 14 points –

I have an old AIO PC and its touch panel is not working properly. Are there any DEs or distros that doesnt have touch support?

Edit: Thanks to everyone that replied and suggested solutions. For me this worked: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-blacklist-a-module-on-ubuntu-debian-linux


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No. The touch panel is making ghost inputs. So, I want to get a DE without touch support or need to figure out how I can disable touch input.

Seems like what you want is to disable the touch screen rather than a DE that specifically doesn't support it... Often times the touchscreen can be disabled in the BIOS/UEFI. But if that's not the case see: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/531919

Another option would be to look into calibrating the touchscreen to stop the ghost inputs.

There is no option in BIOS to disable touch input.

The stackexchange solution didnt work. When I tried to set it to unbind, Im getting permission denied even as root.

Touchscreen is physically damaged.

You may have to look into figuring out which driver Linux is using for your touchscreen then blacklist that module so that it doesn't load anymore.

You won! Blacklisting the module worked!!

Thank you!!!

You can definitely disable the touch pad in any distro. Try the steps in the best answer here

xinput --disable is not working due to Wayland

Then you have your solution. Use x11 and be done with it

Just use X is not a solution

I kinda understand you, but it would fix the issue, so it is a solution

So would buying a new computer. Its all a matter of perspective I suppost.