Jerry Seinfeld’s Teen Girlfriend Saga Resurfaces After Duke Walkout to – 578 points –
Jerry Seinfeld’s Teen Girlfriend Saga Resurfaces After Duke Walkout

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The best time to have a baby with the lowest risk is ages 20 - 26. That's the window with the best outcome. I love science, it's the best way to move towards better ideas and medical practices. That's why I care about dispelling the idea that teenagers are in their reproductive prime.

Also, this might be interesting to you. Women didn't marry young as frequently as we're told.

So not being open to changing your mind was a projection. I figured as much, its almost always people thinking they see themselves in other people when they make baseless accusations.

You ignored data twice, and then I agreed that past 30 is a higher risk pregnancy. No idea what you are talking about friend.

I then provided info that shows women werent always marrying as young as people tend think which goes against your basis that evolution supports teens being in their reproductive prime. You haven't supplied any data at all to back up your claims.

But you do you. The info is out there for you and others. Have a nice day now

You ignored data twice

I addressed all of the data you provided, even asking for further clarification for one of the sources. You just hand-waved my point, with data, away. Even now trying to claim that I didn't provide it. And you're accusing me of ignoring data. Lol Just another projection. You're good at doing this.