Skill to Lefty – 854 points –

Ever seen someone doing their "unskilled job" all their life? It's just fucking magic!

The truth is that capitalists hate skilled workers, because those workers have bargaining power. This is why they love the sort of automation which completely removes workers or thought from the equation, even if the ultimate solution is multiple times more expensive or less competent than before.

Nothing is more infuriating to a boss, than a worker that can talk back with experience.


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Out of interest, what do you all think a ceo does?

Make up excuses, ruin other people's work, take credit for that same work when it survives their meddling, bang hookers and hit ketamine all day, and lie constantly.

And be narcissistic

though some of your points encompass that

Don't forget forging connection with another company so they can leap right off when the company they're currently leeching is sinking.