The incomprehensible, unattainable scale of Trump’s deportation plan | The former president has said he will send nearly 5 percent of U.S. residents out of the country if he is reelected. to politics – 181 points –

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He'll do it, ICE will happily carry it out & SCotUS will back them. If you think they won't, you're either dangerously stupid or lying to yourself.

If you're not a billionaire or a White, Christian Male, you're a fucking moron if you vote for anyone aside from Joe Biden in the upcoming election.

Yes, you too.

No they won't do it. The logistics of sending everyone out of the country is too hard.

Instead, they'll build concentration camps and ovens and call it a day.

Not sure how sarcastic you are, but I could see work camps being built. I think we’d see some deportations and some people sent to work camps, but not a complete crack down. Just enough to make it a threat.

It’s not just the logistics of moving that many people that is a problem. It would be extremely damaging to the economy. Undocumented labor makes the food we have as cheap as it is (along with government subsidies). If that labor pool evaporated we’d see more widespread issues with food rotting before being picked and food not getting processed.

The work camps would take the form of farms and food processing plants, possibly expanding to other manufacturing later. Free slave labor is how we’d compete against the slave labor in other countries. It’s important to note that managing that takes up a lot of resources, so I’d expect the majority to not be rounded up and sent to these camps. I’d expect the threat of being sent to a camp to be used to extract lower pay and more hours out of the existing undocumented population that works in those industries.

Having these populations still intact would be useful to instigate more crackdowns as political events to provide a boost.

The main problem with these camps (and existing populations) is that people have kids even under the worst circumstances. That is why we’re seeing the talking point to remove/overturn birthright citizenship. Eventually the camp population would be almost entirely us citizens which makes things less tenable. So they’d need to remain different so it’d be okay for them to stay in the camps they were born into.

Undocumented labor makes the food we have as cheap as it is (along with government subsidies). If that labor pool evaporated we’d see more widespread issues with food rotting before being picked and food not getting processed.

The GOP has literally already done this with those exact effects in Florida, Alabama & Georgia. The farmers I know collectively lost millions. Other farmers had to sell out to BigAg, which was just a bonus knock on effect for these ghouls. I'd bet dollars to donuts that the lion's share of these double digit Haley / GOP protest voters in Red states are in the Ag sector, or some other industry directly damaged by Trump's misrule.

But that is kinda the point of fascism. As long as they have power they do not care about people.

We already have legalized slavery for US citizens, I don't see the blockers for a maga implementing it for immigrants. Maybe not extermination camps, bit concentration camps? I can see it very well

Most especially the people that should know better, but would rather stamp their feet and have a temper tantrum because Biden is not perfect.