Jerry Seinfeld’s Teen Girlfriend Saga Resurfaces After Duke Walkout to – 578 points –
Jerry Seinfeld’s Teen Girlfriend Saga Resurfaces After Duke Walkout

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Imagine responding to an actual thought out, reasoned argument with some braindead thought terminating snark. Saves the effort of trying to actually engage in conversation or uncomfortable thoughts I guess but that's about it.

Still picking the bear. Your reply, and all the other salty misogynist replies are exactly why.

Ok, have fun I guess? Congratulations? Not sure what response you expect.

I didn't ask

Posting publicly on the internet means people can respond to you.

Responding to a relatively well-formed statement and rationalized statement with a 1 sentence meme-response is lazy and braindead and contributes nothing but go off if it makes you feel like you're doing something I guess. Certainly easier than actually engaging with a topic.